Jun 24, 2009

My prep - 10 weeks out

Well, this is my first post of my precontest prep. I'm just under 10 weeks out of the North Americans in Cleveland Ohio, Aug 28/29. It will be my 3rd time doing this show. The last 2 times, I placed 8th in the Open figure class, and came in 3rd in the Masters Division.

My goal is to WIN the Masters Division and get my Pro Card *after doing Nationals for five years - it's about time!

This is the best offseason I've ever had. I stayed relatively lean throughout. I had Kim Oddo help me with an offseason plan, that focused on building my rear delts and quads. Hopefully, this has helped enhance my not-so-great X frame. we'll see when I'm under 10%!!

For now, I've cleaned up my diet, no more alcohol, still cheat on the weekends, and trying to go low carb right now. Once I get down another 5ish lbs, then I'll bump some carbs back in.

My workouts have been 2 a days on Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, and only once on Thu and Sat. I'm doing at least one hour of cardio on those days, and mixing up the weights with compound movements, and still focusing on rear delts, quads, and biceps mostly.

i feel at this point, I know my body, If i do too many leg presses, or squats, it will only compound my large ass and midsection. Lunges are the biggest compound movement I do for legs, and most are plyo-lunges. I do LOTS of incline walking, lunging, stair climbing and track work for legs. I feel strong, now just have to put in my time to cut the fat off my butt.

I'll prob have to get very lean - too lean for figure - and then shit load the day before the show. That's what's been the best for me in the past. Last show (november 2008) I was too careful with food, and came in too skinny. Of course, that was also after a 18 hour flight from Japan....

This time, Ill be coming home 8 days before, so i'll have time to adjust and know what to do. I'm taking my boys home, to stay with my Mom in Lima Ohio, then drive up to Cleveland for my show.

I'll be posting pics soon... not really wanting to... but know I have to :)


  1. Spectaculous!!! Your 10 week journey is going to remotivate us gals to get back into the thick of things post-vacation.... wish I had that too skinny problem :) B

  2. My son and I will be a the North Americans. We'll look for you onstage!
