May 23, 2009

2 weeks out!

The girls have two weeks left and keep looking better...


This is Max; a former marine bad *SS and a great client. This is a "plyo" chest press with ab crunch.... FUN!


Heidi came to me in January of this year wanting to lose weight. She was nervous about the gym and didn't know many exercises. Since then, she's been one of my best clients EVER! She does everything I ask and is so focused when she trains. She's lost over 23lbs since Jan and gone back down to size 8 pants. Shes incredibly strong and has put on 3lbs of muscle. Here are her before pics and a couple videos of her doing some of "our" favorite exercises!!!

May 9, 2009

Quarter Turn!

After the girls walk on-stage, they have to present themselves by doing 4 quarter turns. I'm posting videos of them, so they can see their mistakes. Still have 4 weeks to go!!!






May 4, 2009

Faux Show pics

We did our practice show on Sunday. They are 5 weeks out.

I'm very happy with the progress, but I still want MORE! You can always improve, but for now, here are my girls....

faux show video!

Presentation is EVERYthing the day of a figure show. So while you may have a rockin' bod, if you walk like a truck-driver, you lose! They look good now, but by June 7 they better be smooth as Butta!!!!!

p.s. if anyone knows how to turn a video from sideways, to straight, pls email me. AND I've seemed to have picked up a RAPPERS accent?....