The last National fitness show of the year is the North Americans, back in Cleveland OHIO the first weekend of Sept. This is the same show I did last year, but in figure. Last year, there was only ONE TALL FITNESS COMPETITOR..... but at this show you have to win the overall to get a pro card...
I've given it some thought, and i'm pretty sure it's my plan. I'll take the boys back to visit the family at the same time, and drive up to the show from my moms house. We aren't sure yet if Jim can go with us, he may be deploying in Aug.
Either way, i'm in..... still very nervous.
I've decided to work with Tanji on tweaking my routine. there are a few things I'd like to change, so I've already begun that.... I'll start dieting again mid June. Till then, I have my 14 figure first-time competitors I'm helping for the June 6 show here in Japan. I'm pretty busy full time with them for now.
Here are a couple more pics, and the utube link to my routine....

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