Apr 20, 2010


After 8 months of busting my hump.... AND turning 40... placed 2nd in my first fitness comp!

Apr 7, 2010

10 years...

Thought it was interesting to post my progress since I began "body building"....

Apr 2, 2010

2 weeks OUT~

So I've been trying to upload my routine... and it's either my computer or my luck, but it wont let me do it. SOOOO, I'll have to try again Monday.

Had an OK run thru today. Been dieting HARD this week, and could feel the lack of energy today.

I do feel good about my physique, another 2 weeks and I'll be right where I need to be.

And my routine is coming together nicely. It's funny, just when I think everything is good, I see some little flaw and fix it.... wonder how long I could keep fixing things? LOL!!!

For my first time, I'm just going to give it my best and have some fun. I feel no stress right now... hope that's a good thing?

Thanks <3